- United States Navy:
U.S. Navy Diving Manual REV7 ChangeA-6.6.18
- Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, Canada:
DCIEM Diving Manual 1992
- NOAA Diving Manual (2001):
NOAA 4th. edition
- das Original DRÄGER DOLPHIN semiclosed Rebreather Manual:
- NDTT: Norwegian Diving & Treatment Tables:
NDTT 5th edition
- NDTT: Norwegian Diving & Treatment Tables:
NDTT 6th edition
- Edmonds' Diving Medicine for Scuba Divers:
Edmonds' DMfSD, 3rd ed. 2010
- Due to frequent changes in the URLs @ DAN, we decided to host important 2 documents here:
- Da sich die URLs bei DAN ab- & zu ändern, gibt es 2 sehr wichtige Dokumente hier zum 'runterladen:
- DAN NITROX workshop proceedings 2000:
DAN NITROX workshop 2000
- DAN Technical Diving Conference Proceedings 2008:
DAN TEC Conference 2008
- Sheck Exley (1979):
Basic Cave Diving - a blueprint for survival:
Basic Cave Diving
PADI ® Diving Knowledge Workbook (1991):
Eine Anleitung zum Verständnis des Sporttauchens
König, P. Lipp, A.: Lehrbuch für Forschungstaucher (2007):
Lehrbuch für Forschungstaucher
Hamilton, Rogers, Powell, Vann (1995):
The DSAT Recreational Dive Planner:
Development and validation of no-stop decompression
procedures for recreational diving:
DSAT / RDP ® Skript
SCUBA Physiological: Think you know all about Scuba Medicine? Think Again!
Balestra, Germonpre, Pridmore
Science of Diving (for Divers)
Tauchtheorie / WLT:
Diving above Sea Level / BPC:
Diving above Sea Level
Decompression and the deep stop: workshop proceedings
UHMS / DAN 2008
Physiologie des Tauchers:
aus der "Tauchertechnik" von Hermann Stelzner
Schwerpunkte der Tauchforschung Bd. 1:
Bd. 1: Haldane / Tauchtabellen
Physiology in depth:
Physiology in depth, PADI Seminar, CA, 1980
Decompression in depth:
Decompression in depth, PADI Seminar, CA, 1979
Max Hahn, Dekompression:
Max Hahn, Dekompression, DK, VSN, Stuttgart 1996
Ken Loyst, Karl Huggins, Michael Steidley, DIVE COMPUTERS:
Dive Computers: A Consumer's Guide to History,
Theory & Performance, Watersports Books, 1991
Alex Brylske: Beating The Bends
Alex Brylske: Beating The Bends
The Diver's Guide to Avoiding Decompression Sickness, BPC, 1995
Rob Palmer: Introduction to Technical Diving
Rob Palmer: An Introduction to Technical Diving,
UWP, 1994
Travaux en Milieu Hyperbare, Mesures particulieres de prevention (2019)
Travaux en Milieu Hyperbare, Mesures particulieres de prevention, MT 92: update from 2019
Underwater Work (1966)
John E. Cayford (1966): Underwater Work
Modern Dive Computers (2018)
Wienke, O Leary (pre-published PDF version as of 2017)
A simple Guide to Decompression Illness (2010)
Lee Griffiths (& Torp, Klaus, Lippmann, John)
Trimix - compact!
Trimix - compact! Version 2023 / 2024
Intro to Deco Calculation (01.03.2024)
Introduction to Decompression Calculation
Helmtauchen (2003)
Manual: Helmtauchen
Dräger DOLPHIN (1998)
Manual zum SCR DRÄGER DOLPHIN (reg.) Specialty-Kurs
Diving with the Divator MKII Full Face Mask
MKII FFM by Steven M. Barsky
Diving with the EXO-26 Full Face Mask
EXO-26 FFM by Steven M. Barsky
Das NITROX Manual, Version 2022
Nitrox / EAN Manual (DE)
Steven M. Barsky: Deeper Sport Diving and Dive Computers
Sport Diving & Dive Computers