D3 : digital diving documents

    D3 :

    the free and open digital archive for diving related documents consists per 01/2025 of 9 parts:

  1. our subjective list of useful books (manuals, flyers, CDs, ...),
    along with ISBN, some comments, usually a TOC and a copy of the cover.

  2. Diving Manuals 4 FREE

  3. the proceedings of the UHMS workshops 1973 - 2002

  4. the XI-volume series from NMRI on Statistically Based Decompression Tables

  5. a link list to scientific SubMarineConsulting documents @ RESEARCHGATE
    and the papers from the worldwide and already legendary "TEC 4.0: update!"-meetings

  6. our private archive of the complete TDM, the TECHNICAL DIVING MAGAZINE,
    all 32 issues from 12/2010 to 09/2018.

  7. a handful of papers from 3rd. parties, submitted to scientific journals

  8. the Underwater Physiology Symposium; all 10 volumes from 1955 - 2002; and:

    Key Documents of the Biomedical Aspects of Deep-Sea Diving:
    Selected from the World's Literature 1682 - 1982,

    all 5 volumes with 3.700 pages

  9. all documents from the famous Bühlmann Symposium, 2019 in Zürich

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